Significantly more than a hookup software: just just How Grindr for Equality harnesses its international reach to battle for LGBTQ legal rights

Significantly more than a hookup software: just just How Grindr for Equality harnesses its international reach to battle for LGBTQ legal rights


As soon as your buddies mention Grindr, you’re likely to believe: homosexual hookup application. And you’d be straight to characterize it this way — but just partly.

Whilst the platform that is dating site certainly celebrate the lighter side of hookup tradition (learn to make use of your dog in order to become a man magnet), the western Hollywood-based startup can be regarding the front lines of fighting when it comes to liberties associated with the LGBTQ community around the world. Continuar leyendo “Significantly more than a hookup software: just just How Grindr for Equality harnesses its international reach to battle for LGBTQ legal rights”